23 April 2008

Week 25.. 2/3 of the way there!!

I skipped last weeks report as it wasn't all that interesting.. but this one is better.

Week 25: Turn it around... and around

From head to foot, your little one is now about 13.5 inches long, and they're about a pound and a half in weight. They've also started to finally put on the baby fat, which will be the one main ongoing change in appearance in the upcoming weeks.
Fetus in sixth month Your little grower’s physical proportions are evening out at this point and most of their remaining development will largely be weight gain and lots and lots of nervous system development. The good news is: if your child is born premature now they’ll be more likely to survive without too much trauma as their lungs began to produce “surfactant” last week, which means their tiny respiratory system is getting stronger with each passing day. Yes, now’s a good time for a minor sigh of relief and a quick pat on the back. All that hard work and conscientious living is really getting your child prepared for a healthy delivery. Keep up the fabulous work mama! This week they’ll be scootching slowly out of the old breech position and start rotating (already!) into a better position for exit during their birth. Their head and feet are slowly rotating so that the head is pointed down towards the birth canal. Time is short (or really long, depending on who you ask)—just (still!) 14 weeks left before you can go back to being a single-resident human.

20 April 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

I know this is very late in coming as your birthday was on the 14th, but I did still want to put something up as you are a very important part of my life. Looking back it is amazing how it all happened, from one day to the next I knew that life wasn't going to be the same again. I knew that day in Rwanda that you were the one for me, the one I had prayed for. I think that's why I was very comfortable at the thought of having kids with you pretty much right away cause I knew that you were 'It' so why wast time? hea... impulsive I.
From that time on everything changed and I don't regret an single bit of it! Meeting you, falling in love with you, having a family with you... its just better then i could of hoped for! I am looking forward to every day to come with you this year, your 26th. As life is never lacking excitement and enthusiasm when you are around. You always seam to bring this whirl wind of activity, ideas and possibilities where ever you go and it makes being with you so fun!
I also love and appreciate the way you have so much patience and understanding for me when my pregnancy emotions go wild.
I love that you are a family man & love kids. It is such a special quality about you as the way you have time and love for them shows how you do put others above your self, something so rare to find now a days.
I love it how you can always seam to make me laugh when I am grumpy...
I love your care for people. You are so genuine in your concern for them.. its one of the first things I fell in love with you for.
I love it how you are always quick to bounce back no matter how discouraged you get.. the up side is always the one that we see the most with you.
I could go on and on... but I've never been very good with words or putting my feelings into coherent sentences. But... I think you know I love you and that is what is important to me. So I'll leave it here and end with saying how thankful I am to have shared another birthday with you.. I love you!

9 April 2008

Week 23

I thought I would start to do a weekly post of little 'Jimmys' progress since he is already a big part of our life's and since its not like I can post many photos of him, hea. And yes that is the name we picked out for our little boy, James Stuart, we actually picked it when I was PG with Jolie...
I'm getting my weekly progress reports off a sight called www.baby-gaga.com definitely an interesting mums corner!

Week 23: Dancing baby alert!

At this point you’ve pretty much adjusted to the fact you’ve got a moving little gymnast inside of you, but now they’re going to kick up the party a notch because they can hear and react to sounds from the outside world. Sounds from your alarm clock, a thunder roll, or that darned car honking at you across the intersection can actually jar their little ears enough to elicit a kick or violent bout of squirming. Of course this also means that their little ears are picking up the sounds of your voice and those near you. So go ahead, sing a lullaby to your little angel—if they start kicking, it’s likely they just want you to stop… or maybe it was a kick of approval? You decide. Your baby's tiny taste buds are still growing and their bones are continuing to ossify (harden), their tiny veins are visible through their translucent yet wrinkly skin. (Think of it this way: they’ve been swimming in the equivalent of a long hot bath for the past 23 weeks, so you can’t blame them for being a little prune-like.)

6 April 2008

Jolies' Birthday Photos

I'm just making a quick post before I go to bed, but I wanted to put these as soon as I could for all my family on the other side of the world so while I'm sleeping you can be having a look! Click HERE for a link to the picts!

4 April 2008

One Year Gone By!

Tomorrow is my little hunny's first birthday! Time fly's and oh they change SO much in such a short amount of time! I have to say being a Mum has been the most rewarding experience in my life so far. Nothing beats it! Watching there unique little personality develop with each passing month, the first smile, then the first laugh, first learning to crawl, and then the first steps... I wouldn't trade in a second of it for anything in the world! It's thrilling, exciting, and almost scary at the same time realising what a big responsibility you have... but I suppose the best rides in life have a mix of all of those things in them.
I'm sure all you out there who have had kids know what I am talking about...
The latest news on Jolie (besides, of course, her up coming birthday ) is that since the past 3-4 days she has taken off! Walking all over the place, and just LOVING her new found freedom! Sooo adorable-!! Her little legs wobbling all over the place!
And the other thing is that we went down and got her ears pierced for her 1st birthday. She was brave, the little thing. The only thing that really bothered her was that she had me holding her body and hands, Steve holding her head and two strangers each pulling on an ear, that got her angry! But as soon as everyone let go of her she calmed down and started playing with her earrings right away. There so cute as they make her look so girlie, and they have a little dark blue crystal in them to match her eyes.
I am including a couple of videos that we took today of her waddling around.. I couldn't decide which one was cuter so I have to put them both. And for good measure I'll put in some photos to.. :-)

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