22 June 2007

Few more odds n' ends

Jolie out shopping with Ma & Da

Guess what..THEY BOTH SNORE!! Woe is me!

At the beach..

Cliffs of Moher

Sorry we haven't posted anything new for a while, had the pics, but never got around to putting them up! Well here they are, some recent ones of when we were at the Cliffs of Moher, the longest stretch of Cliffs in Europe.. and very beautful, Enjoy!

12 June 2007

From the past few days...

A weary traveler.

Jolie talking with Mum.

"Thats the tastiest finger I have!"

Aries enthusiasm. Excited to start the day!

Going out with Mum and Dad to celebrate Mums 22nd!

This is Ireland...

Well, a part of it.

7 June 2007

A few random Picts....

"Give us a kiss Luv."

Jolie arguing with Mum.

"Another quiet moment with the beer, this is life!"

"It was SUCH a tough day! The chariot broke down & my slave was being lazy and not bring my dummy fast enough!"

"MY Daddy tells me that I'm a PRINCESS!"

How many is too many?

Taking the love bug for a walk.....

which with out fail puts her to sleep!

The blue eyed partners.

Here is Jolie advising Dad on his work.... she always knows best.

I think as new parents you always tend to go over board on taking picts of your little ones... especially if it is a first. I mean, EVERYTHING they do is just soooo cute you have to catch it on camara! Right now about 85 % of our iPhotos is pictures of Jolie, and she's only 2 months old!!
All that to say, here are a few more pictures of our love bug, Enjoy!

4 June 2007

Moving along a couple of months....

Ok, were skipping ahed two months & Jolie is already proving her self a travel lover! At 5 weeks she had a blast on a road trip around Ireland with Mom & Dad, charming the hearts of every one she came in contact with & being the best icebreaker we could ever have! At 7 weeks she went on her first plain ride to Germany to visit her Great Oma & Opa ( German for Grandma & Grandpa).

Steve & Opa enjoying that good Bavarian beer! They have a law in Bavaria that they are not aloud to use ANY preservatives in there beer.... making it PERFECT!

Four Generations!

In Opa's Garden

Life Will never be the same!

Yup, life will never be the same now that we have our little Jolie Róisín! She came into our life's on the 5th of April 4:22 am. Here are a few pictuers of when she was born.

The first moments in this world with Mum....

...First moments with Dad

Granny & our wonderful Midwife

Our First Posting

Dear Family and Friends,

We are proud to anounce that we have started a BLOG. Not that we agree with them LOL, but after much thought we have decide to post some pictures (with poor grammer and spelling included) of our little family to share with the ones we love dearly but that we always don't have time to communicate with. Hope you find it interesting and we pray it is a benefit to all who see it.

Love and Prayers,

Teri, Stephen and Jolie
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