25 July 2008

Happenings over the past little while..

A number of things has happened this past month, the first and most important being the team from PNG came back! It's so good to have each of the guys back I missed them all, although I have to say I missed Steve the most!
Jolie wouldn't' let go of him from the time he walked in the door. At first she seamed a little surprised to see him, but she went straight to him and just wanted to cuddle with him. Since then she hasn't been able to stop talking about 'daddy'.

Dave (Steve's younger brother) left us for the U.S. We are going to miss him but are very happy that he is going on to something new and challenging.

Libby hosted a baby shower in honer of little Jimmy, and she did a wonderful job of it! HERE is the link to all the photos! (Yet again I am directing you to her blog instead of up loading all the photos onto mine.)

Another thing is that I FINALLY (as promised) took some PG photos (2 weeks before my due date)...

And just the other day we had 'Christmas in July'. I never heard of this before I came here, but apparently they do it so they can have a 'cold' Christmas (although cold is extremely relative in this case as some winter days I have had here have been as warm as some of Ireland's summer days!) ... it was unusual but fun, and I have to say the setting, the dressing up and the music did make it feel c'masie!
Also it was the first time that Steve & I took pictures together in age's, we are even matching (that was my fault).
Heidi and a couple others made a delicious Christmas dinner, and after that we cleared back the tables and had some dancing.. I watched :-)

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