30 September 2007

From Canada

OK, so here is the first batch of photos. These are a few that we took up on our trip to Canada. We loved it there! The country is beautiful (at least the small part of it we saw), the people are genuinely friendly (a refreshing brake from... well other countries :D), we would love to get another opportunity to go there and see more of the country as our trip was, regretfully, short.

On the plane the first thing the stewardess said when she saw Jolie was.... "IT'S A CABBAGE PATCH DOLL!!" I've always thought she looked like one to...

Jolie with Carol, I'm not quite sure how you would say they are related.. but they are some how.

Chillin' with her Great U. Bill.

Below are photos on Fred & Margos farm... beautful place, and beleave it or not they keep lamas on there farm!

29 September 2007

About time for another post I think!

What can I say, I know I have been delinquent in updating this blog recently, but just give me a second to explain my self :D ... Last you heard of me we were in L.A., a few of days after that we flew up to Canada for a week to visit Steve's relatives for a week, and of course to show off our cute little pumpkin, who (of course) won hearts with her smiles gurgles and kisses. (Yup she kisses now.. well its more kinda of an open mouth on any random spot on your face with a bunch of slobber... in fact just recently she managed to leave not only slobber on Steve's nose but leave parts of her regurgitated lunch to! The joy's of fatherhood. Your a great dad Stevo, I love you!)
We had a great time in Canada, that parts we saw of it was beautiful and that was just the parries!
We said good bye to Canada only to meet up with Joy, Steve's Mum, whom he hadn't seen in almost 4 years! We spent a wonderful 5 days with Joy & Ange, and all the beautiful people on that side of the world! Wish we could of stayed longer! Part of the time while there I had a fever:( but thank God I got better the day before we had to fly back to Ireland!
So now, yes, we are in Ireland once again, helping out with things over here as the home is very short staffed at the moment. It took a little while to get back on schedule with the Jet lag and all... that part wasn't so fun with Jolie as she is also teething which means she is a lot fussier and wakes up a lot at night (thus keeping Mum & Dad up) but I suppose a set of pearly whites is going to cost something, so in the end its always worth it ( I just have to keep telling myself that when she wakes up 5 times a night demanding on no uncertain terms that she MUST have comfort boob.. oh did i fail to mention that she has a VERY good set of lungs?)
So that is just a thumb nail of what has been happening recently... Sorry about the long silence, I'm just still learning how to juggle things at the moment.
I will also be updating this blog with pictures from the past month in a day or so, to be honest I have been so busy that I haven't even uploaded the picts on my cam for the past month! Shame on me.

Well, thats all for now, it's way past my bed time... and I'm thinking that I would like to loose these bags under my eyes. Bye for now .. I'm off to lala land...
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