12 June 2007

From the past few days...

A weary traveler.

Jolie talking with Mum.

"Thats the tastiest finger I have!"

Aries enthusiasm. Excited to start the day!

Going out with Mum and Dad to celebrate Mums 22nd!


CrazyGurl said...

What a little love! And she's wearing the dress that Ashley gave her, yay! She's soooooo cute!

SerenaRose said...

Happy belated birthday Teri xxxx
luv ya lots

Our Little Harts said...

Thanks Serena, now I am all old and mature, lol!! And, yup crazygurl thats the dress Ashley gave her, very cute, in fact everything that she gave was soo cute, thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

love the photos Teri and Steve, they are so expressive and Jolie is adorable. Such a bright little button. Happy birthday for the other day Teri. love Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy? how did you learn to make "Xtreemly good looking babies?" good on you Teri, I think Stevo needed the help! i liked the growth teri! milking heh?
Stevo you baddy, those are for little Jolie, you devil! I guess they could feed the both of you! ahhaa!
yep, teri your looking great girl! hi5..nice

ahh... I love the "lighteye" small jolie! she is so cute and beautiful! Stevo, good to know that the snoring is pasted on...great news! but think of your wife mate... ok next time... just leave it be...k! lol

she looks like from the photos that she has a personality already. such a chipmunk!
You good ppl, cheers to your good production, Stevo mate, well done! hugs to the three of ya....

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