1 June 2008

A Baby is..

A baby is a small member of the home that makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, the bankroll smaller, the home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten & the future worth living for.


our family said...

That has got to be my favorite picture of Jolie!
And I loved the quote...soon I'll know how true it is :-)

Our Little Harts said...

Yea, I love the quote to, you have to give so much of your self to have a child but its worth everything!

Nina said...

Wow you can say that again!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are very close to having the 2nd little munchkin. For some reason I thought that you were not as far along in your pregnancy! Will be praying for you and for the delivery. Love you lots. xxx Jana

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pic. Happy birthday, Teri! Praying for a wonderful year and a happy and smooth addition to your "Little Harts".


CrazyGurl said...

happy birthday teri!!! that's such a cute and fat photo! hehe :D

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