10 December 2007

News from Down Under

We've been here in Australia now for almost a couple of weeks, so there should be something new posted... I couldn't agree with myself more! So below are a few recent photos of some of Steve's family over here, I'll post more when I take more, but for the past week I haven't been able to take any pictures as Steve took the camera with him on the road to Brisbane. Yup Steve & Nicko have been on the road for the past week (well tomorrow a week), they should be back this evening. And tomorrow Steve & I and Rob, with Jolie of course, will be going on the road down to Melbourne.
Its going to be really fun as we are getting a camper van down. They do this thing called "Relocatable Campers" where you get a camper van for free,petrol allowance puss a few days of course, to move the Camper from one city to another. So it gives us enough time to go slow, enjoy the ride and witness along the way!


our family said...

Love the one with her face pressed up against the window..a classic!

Anonymous said...

Ill bet it is warmer in Ausieland than here in Yorkshire right now, -1C and a heavy frost due. Just dropped in as doing a search on my family name Hartingdon.
Peter Hartingdon, Shipley, West Yorkshire

whacky said...

super cute pics! She looks adorable in the second one.

Ruth Cortejos said...

Ohhhh that one of her crying is so pitiful! :-D

CrazyGurl said...

that first pic of Steve and bubby is sooo cute!!!

Luca said...

She looks so much like Steve it's almost scary.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, Poor Jo-bean! You couldn't resist comforting a crying face like that!

Anonymous said...

isn't it about time for a new post???

Our Little Harts said...

Yea... I guess you are right. U know they say, "time fly's when you are having fun" ... Anyway I'll try to get something up in the next few days..

Lisa said...

hey girl, I just read on someone else's blog that your getting married!!! That's so cool..I waiting for pixs you know....love you

Our Little Harts said...

Yup, we just at the wedding on the 19th and will post pict's as soon as we have them! Everyone else took pictuers so we have to get them of them... :)

Anonymous said...

pics pics pics pleeease of your wedding!

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