29 November 2007

Trip to Oz

So here they are, a few photos of our trip to Oz. We did a bit of an extended trip and went a bit early so that we could stay with my brother, Steve, in London for a day. The last time he saw Jolie was when she was about 2 weeks old. So we took the ferry & train to london, my younger brother, David, came along to visit Steve & help us carry our stuff. We stayed a night & day there and in the evening went to Heathrow where we caught our first 12 hr flight to Shanghai, where we waited 4 hrs to take the next 10 hr flight to Oz.
It was a long trip, but quite a good one, no dramas to speak of thank God!


our family said...

u guys look great! And Jolie is getting cuter by the day! Love you both & see you soon :-)

SerenaRose said...

very cute pictures

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